EASY communication way with my friends now and myself in the future.


HAM qualified

KORA announced HAM certification rusult today.
There was my name on qualified boad.
I've passed it. ^o^
I'm qualified for 3rd grade HAM(phone).

I challenged and passed. I'm worth enjoying new hobby.

Here is my upcoming plan for advanced HAM licences.
- 2nd grade HAM which licencing for 100W and CW (telegraph) by Autumn 2006
- 1st grade HAM which licencing for 500W and CW by Spring 2007.

It's time to rush into shopping mall to search my radio phone. =3 =3 =3 =3 =3


Kwanak Mt. without snow

Yesterday I tried new route in Kwanka Mt. that I've never experienced. It was about 2 and half hours longer than my usual route. I was happy becuase my new route was not so busy that it was very quiet and peaceful. There was nothing dusturbing me.

I've got serval pictures at the same place where I had took picture last time when it was snowing. Comparing same pictures under different weather condition was very interesting.

The picture having snow looks better.

I took a shot for Yeonjoodai but failed to find same point. Instead of snow the Yeonjoodai had good lighting so the beautiful cliff was emphasised.
In this case It's very hard for me to say which is better.
There was amazing pine tree on the cliff. I've found this on my way back to home.
It was growing almost orthogonal against earth and streching to East which is the origin of rising sun.


Aquarium update

When I returned to home from business trip I replaced aquarium water and put 5 ml of fertilizer and took the picture.Comparing to the privious one, second picutre of this article there are pretty obvious growing of plants. Look at two plants in the left hand side. The front one which has broader leaves is the Japokum and the further one which has higher height is Valanshia. Please be informed that I'm not sure its name is correct or not in English.(2006-03-19)This picture was taken when I installed black background wall behind glass. The japokum and the valanshia were moved to here a few days ago.(2005-12-21)
You can click here to see the full history of this aquarium


Mt. Soorak

I went to Mt. Soorak yesterday. I started so early time that I could see beautiful sun-rising in the middle of treking. This was the very before moment of sun-rising. It was windy and very cold but clear so I could expected to see the clean Sun without any distortion or diisturbance.
Yes! Almost perfect cirle shaped sun greeted me. I felt very energitic feeling at that moment. I'll replace this picture to bigger one later.
Mt. Sookrak consists of huge rocks as like as usual moutain around Seoul metropolitan area. The rocky face looked very handsome. As you can see the clean sky, it was cold. Since the shooing time was under the rising sun, the color temperature was low so I could took soft red image.
The imaginary line of rocky peeks was the route to come to the Peek. Every rock has its own name but I don't know. Comparing to the previous picutre as highier as the sun rised, the color temperature turned into high. As a result rocks looked colder and became its usual color.
When I arrived at the main redge there was very nice looking the Tobong Mt. which is one of member of the National park over there.
This was the route that I've just passed though. My route was not the right hand side rope, but the slit located left hand side. I hardly passed the slit gate but very funy. I had to step like crab and put my back-pack out.
I wondered how could I present this situation better.
At the my wondering moment there was someone who was tracing my way, I just took a picutre and greeted him. He had fun, too.
I've arrived just before the peek. The facing rock is the last rock to the peek. The rock is shining while others such as tree, bushes and branches are silhouette in the picture. So the hero rock is emphasized pretty well, I think.
Eventually I've arrive the peek, there was flapping Taekuekki, the national flag. Suddenly I recalled the national flag on the mound in the Angel statidum. I wished to see the flag on the mound again after the baseball game between the Japanse national team at the WBC.
I took alternative way when I came to home. The ridge over the branch which has embryo seeds was my going-up way. I could feel the Spirng is coming.


I'm here at the moment

Global village - the Earth.

the North east Asia.


southern part of it..

nearby Tainan city

Shanhua 善化 Town

In office very close to 善化 IC on #3 Highway of Taiwan.
This area is famous for Tainan Scientific Park which hosted big LCD factories. But the Park is out of this picture. Being disappointed this sattlelite picture is not so good. I hope Google can provide better resolution soon. On the contrary to its name of Scientific, there are so large rice field here and there. All greens in the picture are the rice field. Tainan harvests three times a year.
I'm here to direct installation of inspection machine for LCD manufacturing.
I'm coming back to Korea on coming Friday. ^^


My water plants and fishes history

Aquarium Update

[2006-07-15] Trimed
I've trimed left part of aquarium last Saturday. Genererally plants that has stems grow fast. When I moved some stem plants at the right part they almost stopped growing. So I put solid fertilizers under pebbles. I wish plants grow well.

[2006-07-10] Fertilized well

Aquarium is fertilized pretty well nowadays. There are some grasses crawling in front of yard. I can’t remember its name. Snails are fertilizing as well. The temperature of water recorded 29 degrees centigrade yesterday. I installed fans on the top to take down temperature by expediting volatilization of water.

It’s time to trim especially left part’s plants.

[2006-06-05] Chemical treatment to get rid of algae.
I am conscious of that the chemical impacts on my plants as well. But the aquarium looks very tidy

[2006-04-30] Ludwigia ovalis was trimed.
Ludwigia ovalis that took the place left-hand side reached up almost water suface. It looked very healthy and had very beautiful layered oval leaves
[2006-04-27] After trimming of Amazon sword plant.
It is possible for pearl grass to get more light after bunch of trimming on Amazon sword plant placed in the center. I’m expecting to see fresh bright green color from pearl grass sooner or later.

After returning from Seoul Zoo park, I took care of aquarium. I trimed slightly wilted plants. I wish I can see fresh looking plants soon. I put 10ml of fertilizer into water as much as double comparing usual usage when I replace water. I moved new Netherland plant to the right side from center.
[After triming](2006-04-16)

[Before triming](2006-04-16)
When I returned to home from business trip I replaced aquarium water and put 5 ml of fertilizer and took the picture.Comparing to the privious one, second picutre of this article. Look at two plants in the left hand side. The front one which has broader leaves is Japokum and the the further one which has higher height is Valanshia. Please be informed that I'm not sure its name is correct or not in English.(2006-03-19)

This picture was taken when I installed black background wall behind glass. Japokum and Valanshia were moved to here a few days ago.(2005-12-21)

I moved a amazon plant that you can see in the middle from another smaller aquarium a week later I've set aquarium up like the picture below. Aquarim with amazone plant looked not so boring like the very first one.(2005-12-19)

I've laid out this aquarium December 2005 after cleaning the almost 2 years old dirty one.
I enjoy watching water plants and fishes very much. Sometimes I fall into very peaceful mind when I see the aquarium. Fishes are just silent but move very gracefully even the plants are the same.(2005-12-11)

New aquarium for the new couple.
The name of colorful fish is Kribensis that was from african lake Tangania originally. This fish was born in this aquarium and ready to get married.So she looks very colorful. Can you find her husband right hand side below?(2005-12-11)

This was the most fertilized figure before the cleaning. I'm dreaming this kind of plentiful aquarium again. This asks me more care and time for it as like as aquarium is a live-thing.(2004-11-02)

Kwanak Mt. covered with snow

I went to Mt. Kwanak last week March 01.
I started my treking around 5:30am and it was snowing in the street.
The more I went into the mountain, the more I could see fantastic snowing seceneray.
It might be the last snow of this winter.

It was very peaceful and claming down moment. I just could see trees with snow. All the civilized city down there were completely out of my sight.

Fortunately I could arrive at the peek before the sun rising so I could see the beatiful snow flowers.

This is pine tree covered with snow flowers. Usually snow flower goes out as quick as the sun rises.

There was a hundreds years old buddist temple on the cliff named Yoenjoodae. There are two different origin explanations which describe where the cliff name were from. One is ruined Korea dynasty officers missed their old dynasty at the cliff. Korea is the precessor dynasty of Chosun dynasty. Another is King Sejong's elder brother missed his lost first-crown prince position at there. Great King Sejong is very famous for Korean Hangul inventor.Anyway both of two stories share missing disappeared past.

This commanded very nice snowing view taken from the peek which is 629m high.



I’m 40 years old. I’m getting old now. It has been natural for getting old. And it’s very natural for everybody getting old. Becuase a infant already starts getting old when he has been given birth.

When I became forties last year in Korean age, I could have chance to think about my silver life. At the same time fortunately I could read a book about "Preparation for overage life".

At once I've started exercise, expanding my hobby area and getting busier at work last year. My friends commented on this one by one. But All these actions shared same target i.e.“getting old”.

Every thing under the sun has right time.
I thought that it was very good time to start getting old since I was still pretty young.

I built four action items up for "Getting Old Project" according to priorities.

1st. Health
2nd. Lovely family
3rd. Good to enjoy hobbies
4th. Economic power

Everybody can agree that someone lost everything if he lost his health. I’ll be very happy if I can make best friends as much as possible and my family will be my best of best friends. I’ll definately retire someday then I'll have almost infinite available time to enjoy. If I have no hobby at that time, my life should be the boring hell without doubt. To support above 3 action items I need to build up economic power.

I opened my blog today pretty lately comparing to others. My blog will be filled up with my 4 action-item themes one by one.

I think a life without good memories is dry absolutely. Adding on this I know my memory is very limited. My blog CLOCKWIZ day will help these problems. I wish that this space turn into a comunication channel to my friends now and to myself in the future by means of recording today and planning future.


English version is also available. It shares the same picture.

나이가 들어 가고 있다. 하기사 사람은 태어나면서 부터 늙어가기 시작하는 것이다. 적어도 세포들은.... 갓난 아기의 눈을 보고, 피부를 보라 얼마나 새 것(?) 인가!?.

작년에 중년이라 불리는 40대가 되었다. 늙어가는 것에 대해 새롭게 생각을 했고 마침 손에 잡힌 책을 하나 읽게 되었다. 운동을 시작하고, 취미의 폭을 넓혀 가는 것, 시간을 더 쪼개 쓰는 것을 보고 주변에서는 각각에 대해 한마디씩 하지만 내게는 이것들이 모두 다 한가지로 귀결 되는 것이다.

"늙어가는 준비" 인것이다. 세상 모든 일들이 때가 있다고 하지 않는가? 뿌릴때가 있고 거둘 때가 있다면, 그 나마 조금 더 젊을 때 노후를 준비해야 될 것이라고 생각했다.

노후 준비로 중요 성에 따라
1. 건강
2. 화목한 가정
3. 다양한 취미 생활
4. 경제력 확보
의 순으로 해야할 일들을 정했다.

건강을 잃는다면 세상을 잃는 것 이란 말에 이의를 제기 하지는 못할 것이다. 세상 사람과 다 친해 지면 더 좋겠지만 최소한 우리 가족들과는 나를 동일시한 체로 행복을 누리고 싶다. 지금은 일을 하지만 언제가는 은퇴를 할텐데 그 때 거의 무한정 주어진 시간이 고통이 아닌 축복이 되려면 취미가 다양해야 한다. 이 것들을 가능하게 하려면 적정한 경제 능력이 확보 되어야 할 것이다.

뒷북으로 블로그를 오늘 열었다. 블로그는 위의 테마들을 중심으로 하나씩 둘씩 엮어 볼까 한다. 추억이 없는 인생은 얼마나 메마를 것이며 사람 기억력의 한계 또한 자명한 것이다.
이 곳에 나의 현재를 기록 하고 미래를 계획 함으로써 나와 가까운 주변 사람들과 교류를 하고 또한 미래의 나와 통신하는 장이 되기를 소망한다.


Spring is coming now.But it's still cold in the morning in Seoul. But I've got this beatiful flower at Hakata southern part of Japan last new year's day. It was very warm and peaceful when I found this camellia flower which is one of earlist bloomer.
I'm recalling very peaceful day when I got this picture and I'm expecting seeing spring at Seoul soon.


My Self portrait, mirrored, after Sarakura mountain treking.