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Kwanak Mt. without snow

Yesterday I tried new route in Kwanka Mt. that I've never experienced. It was about 2 and half hours longer than my usual route. I was happy becuase my new route was not so busy that it was very quiet and peaceful. There was nothing dusturbing me.

I've got serval pictures at the same place where I had took picture last time when it was snowing. Comparing same pictures under different weather condition was very interesting.

The picture having snow looks better.

I took a shot for Yeonjoodai but failed to find same point. Instead of snow the Yeonjoodai had good lighting so the beautiful cliff was emphasised.
In this case It's very hard for me to say which is better.
There was amazing pine tree on the cliff. I've found this on my way back to home.
It was growing almost orthogonal against earth and streching to East which is the origin of rising sun.


At 3/28/2006 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

제게는 아침햇살보다는
눈발을 소복히 맞은 관악산 연주대가
훨씬 낭만적이고 운치가 있네요.

아침햇살은 모든 것을 빠짐없이 다 밝혀주지만, 눈발은 마치 연주대의 허물을(?) 덮어주는 것 같아요....


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