EASY communication way with my friends now and myself in the future.


I'm here at the moment

Global village - the Earth.

the North east Asia.


southern part of it..

nearby Tainan city

Shanhua 善化 Town

In office very close to 善化 IC on #3 Highway of Taiwan.
This area is famous for Tainan Scientific Park which hosted big LCD factories. But the Park is out of this picture. Being disappointed this sattlelite picture is not so good. I hope Google can provide better resolution soon. On the contrary to its name of Scientific, there are so large rice field here and there. All greens in the picture are the rice field. Tainan harvests three times a year.
I'm here to direct installation of inspection machine for LCD manufacturing.
I'm coming back to Korea on coming Friday. ^^


At 3/16/2006 9:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

저걸 바라다 보니
내가 발딮고 있는 이곳이
얼마나 큰 세상의 일부인지를 깨닫게 되네요.

이 좁은 땅덩어리에서
얼마나 산다고...
더군다나 언제 죽을지도 모르는데..^^;

바둥거리지 말고
큰 호흡으로
오늘하루를 잘

At 3/16/2006 9:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

이곳에는 코멘트를 수정할 수도, 삭제할 수도 없군요.

올리고 나니 오타가 있네요.ㅋㅋ
발딮고가 아니라 '발딛고'인데...

At 3/19/2006 10:00 AM, Blogger Raphael CH Lee said...

익명 게시는 삭제가 안되나 보군요.
로긴 하여야 쓰레기 통이 보이나 봅니다.
사실 아직 저도 여기 기능들을 잘 모르겠어요.


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