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Aquarium is liveable now (2006.04.11)

I've replaced old very expensive aquarium dedicated fluorescent light ACADIA to normal 3-phases Phillips light last Sunday. I had been hesitating to replace lights for aquarium because I've paid for it almost 100 USD two years ago. I'd like to belive its performance was still better than normal brand-new light.
I've paid just 7 USD for the normal lights. But the performance of new normal lights are much better than the old expensive high performance lights.
You can see MAKAYA Selowinia(?) that has radial green thin leaves. They look pretty fatique and hardly survived.They look very fresh and vital four days later than replacement.
Now they can stand up. They wanted to lay down.
Now they produce oxygen as a result of photosynthesis. They were barely alive.
Wish them fertilized!


At 4/16/2006 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

떠듬떠듬, 읽다말다 합니다. 물고기,물고기, 할말 많으나, 생략합니다.^^ 좋습니다. 엊그제 건봉사를 다녀오는 길, 해거름에 냇가에서 은어들이 뛰어오르는 광경을 한참 구경하였습니다.

At 4/17/2006 5:16 PM, Blogger Raphael CH Lee said...

어항에 물고기 가두어 두고 구경합니다.
있는 동안이나마 잘 챙겨 보려 하는데 생명을 우리에 가두어 두었다는 생각이 없지도 않습니다. 이왕이면 잘 돌봐 주어야 겠지요.

냇가의 은어들 더우기 해거름 때 라는 생각만 해도 그 순간의 안온함이 전해 옴니다. 부럽^^


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